Utah Tech University

Parking Services


We will provide adequate, reasonably convenient, and safe parking access for all students, employees, and visitors to the campus community. We will accomplish this through economical pricing, parking enforcement, and coordinated management of resources.

Upcoming Area/Lot Closures

Oct 2024 – TBD 2026: Smith Lot U, America First Performing Arts Center Construction Crew Parking (only)

Nov 2024 – Mar 2025: South Burns Lot T, Chiller Tower Expansion, Construction Crew & UT Custodial Parking (only)

Apr 7-18 2025: 400 S Lot N, The Great Race Mud Crawl Apr 11

Apr 11 2025: 300 S University Entrance, The Great Race

Apr 12 2025: Lower West Cooper Lot N & O, Inferno Dance

Apr 12 2025: East Cooper Lot N, Freedom Rocks Motorcycle Poker Run

Events Calendar

Parking & Campus Map


Parking Permits

All student, faculty, and staff motor vehicles parked on campus must bear a valid Utah Tech University parking permit.

Login to your account in the UT Parking Portal to purchase your permit and modify vehicles when a new vehicle is purchased.

Choose Permit

Designated Parking

Parking stalls are marked with freestanding signs, and/or pavement and sidewalk striping.

White: Student/General Faculty/Staff & Visitor (overflow)

Yellow: Premium Faculty/Staff

Green: Visitor (Non-student, faculty, staff)

Motorcycle, Handicap and more, plus loading/unloading information.

Learn More

Citations & Appeals

Any vehicle found on campus without a UT parking permit and/or in violation of other rules and regulations will be cited, and a status check will be conducted to determine the purpose and intent of the driver/owner.

More information

SunTran Partnership

UT has a partnership with Suntran transportation system UT students, faculty, and staff can ride for free using their Utah Tech ID cards.

Routes & Schedules


Where can I purchase a permit?

Online in the UT Parking Portal. Fall 2024 – Summer 2025 parking permits are virtual and your license plate number will be your permit.

ICL Students: please visit the ICL website to purchase your permit.

NOTE: Be sure to enter the license plate numbers and letters correctly as well as the State so when the plate is scanned or entered your permit will display. For temp plates, enter the temporary tag license number and state, and update in your UT Parking Portal account when permanent plates arrive and installed on the vehicle. It is the responsibility of each UT employee and student to keep parking registration up to date.

When do I have to have my permit by and do you ticket the first week of the semester?

Permits are required beginning on the first class day of the academic year and/or semester. In other words, Annual permits begin each academic year on the first class day of Fall semester and are valid all three semesters of that year; Fall, Spring, and Summer (example: 8/19/2024 – 8/15/2025). Semester permits begin on the first class day of the semester and are valid until the Friday before the next semester starts (example: Spring 2025 is 1/6/2025 – 5/9/2025).

Citations are given the first week of the semester, however, more warnings are issued the first half of the week to serve as helpful reminders.

May I share my permit with another student or employee?

Parking permits may not be shared, and each student and employee must purchase their own permit on their own account in the UT Parking Portal. This information and more can be found on the Parking Permits webpage.

What do I need to register a vehicle?

Vehicle license plate (or temporary tag for new vehicles) number, make, model, color, and Utah Tech ID number (Student/Faculty/Staff)

NOTE: It is the responsibility of each UT employee and student to keep parking registration up to date. Login to the UT Parking Portal to modify vehicles on your permit account. If your account has reached the cap for changes, please contact us for assistance at parkingoffice@utahtech.edu or 435-879-4335.

What if I don't have my license plates yet, how do I register my vehicle with my permit?

For new vehicles, enter the temporary license tag number when purchasing your permit. When your plates arrive, login to the UT Parking Portal to update your account. If your account has reached the cap for changes, please contact us for assistance at parkingoffice@utahtech.edu or 435-879-4335.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of each UT employee and student to keep parking registration up to date. Be sure to enter the license plate numbers and letters correctly as well as the State so when the plate is scanned or entered your permit will display.

I have a new vehicle, how do I update my information?

If you have purchased a new vehicle and/or are no longer using a vehicle associated with your permit, login into the UT Parking Portal to modify your information on your parking account. If your account has reached the cap for changes, please contact us for assistance at parkingoffice@utahtech.edu or 435-879-4335.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of each UT employee and student to keep parking registration with Parking Management up to date. Second vehicles must be registered to the same owner; permits may not be shared or transferred to anyone else.

I ordered my permit online, do I need to pick up a permit hang tag?

No more waiting in line to pick up a permit hang tag! Your license plate number is your permit and issued in real time upon completion of purchase.

If I attend classes online, do I need to buy a permit?

Students taking classes online will still need to purchase a parking permit if they wish to use campus facilities, such as, but not limited to, the HPC and Library. As a reminder, per policy, all student motor vehicles parked on campus must bear a current, valid parking permit.

Do I need a permit if I am bringing a motorcycle to campus?

If you are parking in a motorcycle stall a permit is typically not needed. However, if parking in a regular vehicle stall and/or Housing* lot, the motorcycle must be registered as a vehicle to your parking permit. Motorcycle stall locations can be found on the Parking and Campus Map.

NOTE*: Housing resident motorcycles must be parked in Housing lot Motorcycle designated stalls and may not share or “save” a parking space with or for another vehicle, and the motorcycle must be registered to the student’s Housing permit.

NOTE: Motorcycles must be parked in a parking stall and may be cited if found parking outside of a stall, on sidewalks, etc.

I have a state-issued UT (Utah Tech) collegiate license plate, does it work as a campus parking permit?

All donation funds from the UT special plate and registration fee go towards student scholarships. See the Alumni page for more information about this great collegiate tradition.

I am allowed to register two vehicles with my permit, can I share my permit with another student/employee and both vehicles be parked on campus at the same time?

No, second vehicles are considered an alternate to the primary vehicle, must be registered to the same owner, and only one vehicle may be parked on campus at any given time.

Note: Sharing of the permit is not allowed and all students and employees must have their own permit purchased on their account. Unauthorized sharing may result in citing the vehicle (such a case will be no defense upon appeal) and if any vehicle registered to a permit is found to match another student or employee the vehicle will be removed from the permit purchaser’s permit and account.

Can I sell or transfer my permit to another person?

No. The permit is for the exclusive use only to the person it was issued to. It may not be sold or transferred to anyone else.

Note: Unauthorized sharing may result in citing the vehicle (such a case will be no defense upon appeal) and if any vehicle registered to a permit is found to match another student or employee the vehicle will be removed from the permit purchaser’s permit and account. Sharing of the permit is not allowed and all students and employees must have their own permit purchased on their account.

Can I change my permit type? For example, from a General Faculty/Staff to a Premium Faculty/Staff permit or vice versa?

Yes, please contact us by email at parkingoffice@utahtech.edu or phone 435-879-4335 for assistance in doing so.

Can I park in an Economy lot with a Student/Housing/General/Premium parking permit?

Yes. All permit types are accepted in the Economy lots.

Do I need a permit for the summer semester?

Yes. Parking permits are required year-round and all student, faculty, and staff vehicles must bear a valid parking permit to park on campus.

What do I do if my permitted car is in the shop?

Parking Services offers temporary hangtags for loaner vehicles to students and employees whose vehicles are being repaired if they have a valid, current permit on file. Please visit us in Burns North Offices in the University Police Department offices; we will issue you one at no cost.

225 S. 700 E., St. George, Utah 84770
Heading West on St. George Blvd turn left onto 700 East (University Ave).
Drive South on 700 East until you come to 300 South (Trailblazer Blvd).
Turn left on 300 South, then turn right into the large parking lot which is Parking Lot M.
Drive South into the parking lot, towards the Anthony Burns offices.
University Police is located in the northeast corner of the Anthony Burns offices.
(Close to the line of palm trees, south of the Holland Library.)

I am recovering from an injury/surgery, do you provide temporary Handicap tags?

We do not provide Handicap tags as these are issued by the State. However, we recommend talking with your doctor about obtaining a temporary Handicap placard, and calling our office for advisement on where to park if Handicap stalls are full.

(Where) Can I park overnight?

Overnight parking is permitted in Housing lots only (parking map). All other lots are designated No Overnight Parking between the hours of 12:00AM – 6:00AM.

For on-campus housing residents living in Campus View Suites, overnight parking lots are east of Campus View Suites II and south of Campus View Suites III (Lot G, H), lower North Commons (Lot X) and 100 S 850 E (Lot V). If these lots are full, CVS residents may use upper North Commons (Lot W) and Hazy (Lot K) as overflow parking overnight. Housing lots can be located on the Parking and Campus Map.

Caution: Housing and overnight parking is not permitted in the lots west of Campus View Suites I (E, D, C, CC, B) and vehicles will be cited for Improper Housing Permit Parking.

On-street parking is available first come first serve for off-campus housing and apartment residents adjacent to campus (housing overnight parking is for on-campus housing residents only and vehicles must bear a UT Housing parking permit).

For department and class trips, please call or email the parking office at least one week in advance of departure as lots close occasionally for events – we will work with you and your group regarding lot location and information to give travelers.

Note: Camper/Trailer parking is permitted in daytime hours only in the east end of lot N (parking map), truck and trailer must remain hitched, and overnight parking/camping is not allowed. If more than one parking stall is needed, please park perpendicular, taking only two stalls and for easier pull-through.

I have an electric vehicle, do you have EV Charging on campus?

At this time campus does not have charging stations for electric vehicles, but the University is looking into the possibility of EV Chargers in the future.

NOTE: Electrical outlets around campus (i.e. outside building, palm tree lighting, etc.) are not equipped for EV charging and plugging a vehicle in to charge is prohibited.

If I am a student that also works on campus why can’t I park in a Faculty/Staff (yellow) stall?

Your student status takes precedence. Your permit options are Student, Student/Housing if living in UT housing, and Economy Lots (see parking map for locations), and Student parking stalls are marked with white pavement striping.

Can I park in a visitor stall, even for a short amount of time, if I am a student or employee?

Visitor spaces are reserved for those that are not currently enrolled or employed by the university. Students, faculty, and staff are not permitted to use these stalls at any time for any length of time.

NOTE: These stalls are constantly monitored and any student, faculty, and staff vehicle found parked in a Visitor stall will receive a citation for Parking in a Reserved Zone or Parking Stall.

Can I park along a curb on campus if there are no parking stall markings?

Parking is permitted in parking stalls only, indicated by stall markings on both sides or front and back of the vehicle.

How do I avoid a parking citation while loading/unloading in a No Parking Zone?

To show valid need to temporarily park in a no parking zone to load/unload, leave your emergency flashers on for the duration. This indicates you will return shortly to move the vehicle.

NOTE: Parking in front of or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant is never permitted (Utah State Code 41-6a-1401).

I received a citation for No Parking Permit, can the ticket be voided for a parking permit purchase?

Parking Services may be able to offer an Agreement for the first citation given for No Parking Permit within the same academic year if the agreed upon permit is purchased within one (1) week of citation date. Please contact us by Email at ParkingOffice@utahtech.edu for agreement details. (updated Fall 2024)


What happens if I get a citation and don't pay it?

Each citation is entered into a computer database that tracks them. If a citation is not cleared by an appeal filed within 15 days or by payment within 30 days of issue, a $25 late fee will be charged. If the citation is not cleared, it goes to a delinquent fines list. Students who have not cleared citations will be subject to a registration, graduation, and/or transcript hold. In the case that the owner/driver of a vehicle is not a student, staff, or faculty, the registered owner of the vehicle will be responsible for the citation.


I have a hold on my account, what can I do to clear the hold to register, get transcripts, and graduate?

Payment of fines and fees will release holds on your account. The holds release process runs overnight; for example, if the fine is paid anytime before 12:00 midnight MST, the hold will release early AM the following day. If you would like to request a same-day hold release, please contact our office before closing time (holidays and breaks may affect these hours) as we may be able to manually release the hold.

Registration: University balances below $200 will allow registration. If the balance is above $200 payment must be made to bring the balance under $200 and release the Over $200 hold.

Transcripts and Graduation: University balances must be paid and at 0 to release the hold.

Why do I have to have a parking permit?

It helps us to distinguish between faculty and staff, students, and visitors, and allows us to enforce the reserved areas and keep them open for those who need them. The permits also allow us to identify individual vehicles for the purpose of providing security to those on campus at any given moment, as well as to provide courtesy services (to notify; those who may accidentally leave their lights on, owners of vehicles who may have rolled out of a parking stall, etc.).

What are permit funds used for?

All funds go towards institutional building and infrastructure improvement projects, addition and completion of new parking lots, funding our first parking garage – as this is not allocated by the state and must be put forth by the institution, and parking lot improvements and maintenance (paint, signage, curbing, resurfacing, software, equipment, media, etc.)


Utah Tech University parking and enforcement is authorized by the State of Utah: Utah Code Title 53B-1-102; 53-B-3-103, 106, 107; 41-6a-2002; 41-6a-2003; 72-1-212


Parking Services

Parking Office

Email: ParkingOffice@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4335

Office: UT Police Department, Burns North Offices

Valerie O'Rourke

Parking Manager

Email: Valerie.ORourke@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4335

Office: UTPD BNO 162

Office Hours


  • Closed.


  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • Closed.

Directions and Parking

225 S. 700 E., St. George, Utah 84770
Heading West on St. George Blvd turn left onto 700 East (University Ave).
Drive South on 700 East until you come to 300 South (Trailblazer Blvd).
Turn left on 300 South, then turn right into the large parking lot which is Parking Lot M.
Drive South into the parking lot, towards the Anthony Burns offices.
University Police is located in the northeast corner of the Anthony Burns offices.
(Close to the line of palm trees, south of the Holland Library.)