Overnight parking is permitted in Housing lots only (parking map). All other lots are designated No Overnight Parking between the hours of 12:00AM – 6:00AM.
For on-campus housing residents living in Campus View Suites, overnight parking lots are east of Campus View Suites II and south of Campus View Suites III (Lot G, H), lower North Commons (Lot X) and 100 S 850 E (Lot V). If these lots are full, CVS residents may use upper North Commons (Lot W) and Hazy (Lot K) as overflow parking overnight. Housing lots can be located on the Parking and Campus Map.
Caution: Housing and overnight parking is not permitted in the lots west of Campus View Suites I (E, D, C, CC, B) and vehicles will be cited for Improper Housing Permit Parking.
On-street parking is available first come first serve for off-campus housing and apartment residents adjacent to campus (housing overnight parking is for on-campus housing residents only and vehicles must bear a UT Housing parking permit).
For department and class trips, please call or email the parking office at least one week in advance of departure as lots close occasionally for events – we will work with you and your group regarding lot location and information to give travelers.
Note: Camper/Trailer parking is permitted in daytime hours only in the east end of lot N (parking map), truck and trailer must remain hitched, and overnight parking/camping is not allowed. If more than one parking stall is needed, please park perpendicular, taking only two stalls and for easier pull-through.